Called to be an Icon
The life of the Christian takes on real experience in the community of faith, the parish – faith is made “flesh and blood” through worship, education and the life of service. Every Christian is an image or “icon” of Christ to the world and to other Christians. So too, the bishop, priest and deacon are icons of Christ to the Church – each in a different way – just as spouses are icons of Christ to each other and parents are icons of Christ to their children. The reality is that the Church is filled with living symbols of Christ.
Baptism is the great Sacrament that transforms each Christian into this iconic presence. Ordained women and men are changed by the Sacrament of Holy Orders into a new role for the Church – to stand as an image of Christ for the assembly of faith. This sacramental role is meant to gather and lead. It is especially recognized in the great sacrament of the Eucharist, in which both the laity and the ordained exercise their proper roles and ministries. In our household of faith, we understand the ministry of deacon to be particularly of service to the Church and the wider community. We understand the ministry of the priest to be particularly one of building up the Body of Christ in the world through the ministry of Word and Sacrament, pastoral care and teaching. The Body of Christ gathered around the Table to be nourished by the Body of Christ upon the Table.
If you would like to initiate a conversation about being a community of faith or ministering as a deacon or priest within the Old Catholic Diocese of the Southeast, please, contact Bishop Steve.
The life of the Christian takes on real experience in the community of faith, the parish – faith is made “flesh and blood” through worship, education and the life of service. Every Christian is an image or “icon” of Christ to the world and to other Christians. So too, the bishop, priest and deacon are icons of Christ to the Church – each in a different way – just as spouses are icons of Christ to each other and parents are icons of Christ to their children. The reality is that the Church is filled with living symbols of Christ.
Baptism is the great Sacrament that transforms each Christian into this iconic presence. Ordained women and men are changed by the Sacrament of Holy Orders into a new role for the Church – to stand as an image of Christ for the assembly of faith. This sacramental role is meant to gather and lead. It is especially recognized in the great sacrament of the Eucharist, in which both the laity and the ordained exercise their proper roles and ministries. In our household of faith, we understand the ministry of deacon to be particularly of service to the Church and the wider community. We understand the ministry of the priest to be particularly one of building up the Body of Christ in the world through the ministry of Word and Sacrament, pastoral care and teaching. The Body of Christ gathered around the Table to be nourished by the Body of Christ upon the Table.
If you would like to initiate a conversation about being a community of faith or ministering as a deacon or priest within the Old Catholic Diocese of the Southeast, please, contact Bishop Steve.